Tuesday, April 21, 2020
The women in the 90s Essay Example
The women in the 90s Paper With recent studies concluding that 85% of girls drink, another 50% smoke and 1/5 take drugs, making them more likely than boys to participate in anti social behaviour, comes the confirmation that Britains Ladette culture is spreading. For those who have yet to encounter a Ladette then read this. The urbandictionary defines a Ladette as a young woman who behaves in a confident and noisy way, who drinks alcohol and may enjoy activities; traditionally enjoyed by men. By these activities they surely mean sport and promiscuous sex which are openly discussed between men and seen as an acceptable activity for a man to traditionally engage in. However, when you consider the definition of Ladette you will probably conjure up a different image, perhaps more extreme pictures than the ones the definition focuses on. You may think of binge drinking, girls falling over in the street with their bodies on displayor teenage girls in town poured into tracksuits labelled Trans gender. Whichever way you imagine a Ladette it is safe to say that the feeling towards them is never positive. We will write a custom essay sample on The women in the 90s specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The women in the 90s specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The women in the 90s specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer What positive point could we make about them, apart from perhaps the fact that they are practising equality by assuming male traits and enjoying themselves in a detrimental way? Therefore with such a negative perception, we should feel that this is a worrying development and that women should not be acting this way. One main reason being, drinking to excess and flaunting themselves is dangerous. So where did this culture come from and why are girls behaving this way? Some believe that this culture has been around for about ten years now, however in the 1990s there was only Lad culture and women were yet to have joined in! This Lad culture began as a way of young men being able to redefine what being a man really means, by following simple rules. The rules of course were to drink pints of lager, watch football and eat kebabs, to name a few. It seemed as if the Lad culture was about being part of a male group and feeling like a real man, however it could also be linked with the lack of pressure to settle down and earning enough to think of themselves only. This in some strange way seems so much more acceptable, for a man to do these things. It is like we expect men to behave this way and its part of being a lad, for example they are encouraged to sow their wild oats and not to become tied down. Today, with the use of these expressions we are practising a negative view on marriage and family life. However not always have young men been encouraged to act this way. In the past, they too were expected to have a good job, a family and settle down. Perhaps it is because many men did this and still had a good time but now without as much family pressure they can enjoy themselves more and dont need to suffer the pain caused by responsibility! This 90s culture could have possibly developed into Ladette culture due to women feeling as if they should enjoy themselves as they also have less responsibility. The culture has evolved to the next level which some say has been born as a backlash of feminism. This means that women have realised that they have more power today, they are continuing to gain equal rights and so want to act the way they can and the way men do. The women in the 90s who poineered Ladette culture were surely aware of the Lad culture around them and must have decided it was a good idea.
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